Soak three fourths of a pint of dried Scotch peas over night in a quart of water. In the morning put to cook in boiling
water, cover closely and let them simmer gently four or five hours, or until the peas are very tender and well
disintegrated; then rub through a colander to remove the skins. If the peas are very dry, add a little water or milk
occasionally, to moisten them and facilitate the sifting. Just before the peas are done, prepare potatoes enough to
make a pint and a half, after being cut in thin slices. Cook the potatoes until tender in a small amount of water, and
rub them through a colander. Add the potatoes thus prepared to the sifted peas, and milk enough to make three and
one half pints in all. Return to the fire, and add a small head of celery cut finger lengths, and let the whole simmer

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  © Cooking The Recipes : Healthy Food Meal Vegetable Fruit Soup Diet Juice: CREAM PEA SOUP

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